Episode #77: Interview with MayKing Tsang

Social Media Talks Podcast interview with MayKing Tsang.

On this week's show, we talk to MayKing Tsang  about How to create #FOMO for your Live Event. The Social Media Talks Podcast is created to help business owners who want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, presented by Alan Hennessy Head of Digital at Kompass Media

MayKing Tsang Biography.

May King Tsang is a professional Live Tweeter helping conferences, festivals and workshops to trend with their respective hashtags for nearly 10 years.

May King has also been interviewing businesses since 2017 through her #ShiningTheSpotlight series on Periscope (Twitter Live) and Instagram (IGTV).

Through her Live Tweeting and journalistic interviewing along with her prolific posting of branded content for clients, May King is the original FOMO* Creator and Social Media Correspondent: recreating the excitement of a festival, conference or workshop onto Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and / or LinkedIn.

*Fear of Missing Out.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The reasons for creating #FOMO for your Live Event
  • How to build momentum prior to your live event
  • How to create a Live Plan for your event
  • How to action #FOMO for your events and wrokshops
  • How to Utilise Social Media for Workshops, Conferences and Book Launches

Listen to the full Podcast with MayKing Tsang below.

Quote from MayKing Tsang

Create excitement at your event with the power of live social media content and share it out @MayKingTea #SMTalks Share on X


Links to Stephan Murtagh

Website: about.me/maykingtea 

Twitter: @MayKingTea

LinkedIn: May King Tsang 

Instagram: MayKingTea


MayKing Tsang

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