Episode #93: Interview with Bryan Kramer

Social Media Talks Podcast interview with Bryan Kramer

On this week's show, we talk to Bryan Kramer, Business Performance Coach about Building A Human two Human Approach with Digital Marketing. The Social Media Talks Podcast is created to help business owners who want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, presented by Alan Hennessy Head of Digital at Kompass Media

Bryan Kramer Biography.

Bryan Kramer is a renowned business strategist, global keynote speaker, executive trainer and coach, two-time bestselling author and Forbes contributor. As former President and Co-Owner of PureMatter, a Silicon Valley global marketing agency since 2001, he sparked the Human-to-Human H2H movement that set out to humanize business through simpler communication, empathy, and celebrating our imperfections.

His TED Talk on the subject in 2014 featured a TED “first – allowing mobile devices during the event to share the experience to illustrate his belief.

He an author of two books There Is No B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human H2H  which rose to the #1 spot in Business Books on Amazon in its first week.

His second book, Shareology: How Sharing is Powering the Human Economy which, made USA Today’s Top 150 Book List the week of its release, as well as #1 on Amazon in Business books.

Topics covered in this episode:
  • What is #H2H (Human to Human)
  • How Social Media Opens the Door on #Human to Human Connections
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of AI
  • The Three Pillers of #H2H
  • How Technology Can Bring Us Closer Together
  • Building Communities that increase Connections

Listen to the full Podcast with Bryan Kramer below.

Dinner Guest

Each week we ask our guest one question that is not related to the podcast, It helps us to gain a better understanding of the guest and some of their personal choices.

If you could invite anyone to dinner past or present, who would it be and why?

Bryan answer to his dinner guest was Brené Brown,Malcom Gladwell and Opra Winfrey. What an interesting conversation would be had at that table. 


Quote from Bryan Kramer
Our job shifts from producing content to creating experiences through engagement with that content @bryankramer Share on X

Links to Bryan Kramer

Website: www.bryankramer.com

Speakers Page: bryankramer.com/speaking  

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bryanjkramer

Facebook: BryanKramer

Twitter: bryankramer

YouTube: BryanKramer  



Kate Walling

Podcast Production Services

Alan Hennessy is head of digital at Kompass Media and one of Ireland's Leading Social Media Experts. He is also a Social Media Consultant and Trainer and speaks about Social Media & Digital Marketing all over Ireland and in the UK. 

The Social Media Talks podcast is among the top marketing podcasts in the world.

 Contact Alan to have him speak at your company events or conferences soon.

Follow Alan on Social Media, TwitterFacebookInstagram, and YouTube

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Posted in Branding, Building Communities, Influencer Marketing, Marketing, Podcast, Social Media Marketing and tagged , , , .

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