Episode #5: Interview with Ted Rubin.

Social Media Talks Podcast interview with Ted Rubin in this episode #5 we talked about Return on Relationships #RonR.

Brief overview of Questions:

  • How Ted Champions Return on Relationship#RonR
  • Do you need to be proficient in Digital to build on Relationships online?

Each week we endeavour to bring you an interesting programme on our Social Media Talks Podcast and this week our guest was one of the Worlds Top Social Media Power Influencers Ted Rubin.

Listen to our interview with @TedRubin on the Social Media Talks Podcast #RonR #NoLetUp #FollowThePath #SMTalks #BeSocial Share on X

Ted Rubin's Biography

Ted is a Social Marketing Strategist, Acting CMO Brand Innovators, and Co-Founder Prevailing Path. The founder and evangelist for the term ROR (hashtag #RonR), Return on Relationship.

One of the most followed CMOs on Twitter according to Social Media Marketing Magazine; one of the most interesting CMOs on Twitter according to Say Media, #13 on Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers, and number #2 on the Leadtail list of Top 25 People Most Mentioned by digital marketers. Return on Relationship, ROR, #RonR is the basis of my philosophy… It’s All About Relationships!

Ted Rubin's Biography

The Interview

We start the podcast by talking about How Ted Champions Return on Relationship#RonR.

Ted has always been a relationships guy and was originally a Networker, always connecting with different groups of friends and businesses and building communities but it was more than just networking it was building relationships. As Ted says "Network gives reach, Community gives you power, Networks Connect, Communities Care" 

People are looking to engage and connect on Social Media they are not looking to be sold to. This does not mean they cannot be sold to, but you are just turning it into another advertising medium, so we are not changing what we have done in the past, with the power of Social Media you can build solid relationships. That is where Return on Relationship was created #RonR.

Ted Rubin on relationships


If you build the relationship and add value that people appreciate, it does not matter what platform you are on, people will find you wherever people migrate too.

Our next question we asked was “Do you need to be proficient in Digital to build on Relationships online?”

Ted spoke about how easy it is now to embrace return on relationship online. The beauty here is this is the age of influence, anyone can build a brand, effect change, make a difference 24/7 while he or she is at home, on the train or in work. Before you had to go to a networking event possibly have to buy a drink and pay for dinner, now you can nurture these relationships online and engage with them.

You can take this relationship offline and meet people. You can also continue these relationships back online by keeping up to date with what is going on with them and further cement that relationship more, so the next time you meet, you have more to talk about and do not need to be brought up to speed on whats happening in their life. This connection is now available to us every day.

Ted’s top tip for #RonR Return on Relationship is:

Do onto others without expectation of anything in return, reach out to people share other peoples content, try to build content that helps people, create content that makes you as human as possible . . . that is what will help you flourish.

Ted’s top tip for #RonR Return on Relationship

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