Declan Gray

Episode #84: Interview with Declan Gray

Social Media Talks Podcast interview with Declan Gray.

On this week's show, we talk to Declan Gray chatting about "Why Do You Need Brand Consistency. The Social Media Talks Podcast is created to help business owners who want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, presented by Alan Hennessy Head of Digital at Kompass Media

Declan Gray Biography.

With a varied career spanning the print, marketing and design sectors, Declan has worked in a strategic design and marketing capacity for over 25 years. Circa 2010 he joined forces with a former colleague of his and they rebranded the company as evolve.

The company is a brand design agency that applies design thinking to everything that they do. This in turn helps our customers establish an emotional connection critical to their long term success, between their brands and their target markets. It’s about planning and organising people, infrastructure and your visual communications collateral in order to improve its quality and the interaction between you, as the service provider and your customers. It is also the creative way that they improve existing services and innovate new ones. In essence they are making life easier to communicate.

The service they offerings include Brand Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing and Environmental Design for membership bodies, institutions and ambitious businesses with a global outlook. Evolve wish is to be recognised as a leader in the persona driven design space and  are passionate about building long term relationships with all of their stakeholders.

Topics covered in this episode:
  • What is Brand Consistency
  • The Five C's Strategy
  • Brand Audits
  • Standing Back & Looking at Your Business
  • What is Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and Your UVP (Unique Value Proposition)
  • How to Market Yourself
  • Everyone is Their Own Brand

Listen to the full Podcast with Declan Gray below.

Dinner Guest

Each week we ask our guest one question that is not related to the podcast, It helps us to gain a better understanding of the guest and some of their personal choices.

Declan  if you could invite anyone to dinner past or present, who would it be and why?

Declan Gray answer to his dinner guest was his GrandFathers. He would like to have a conversation with them to learn more about the values they instilled in his family. 


Quote from Declan Gray.

Declan Gray, Evolve, I’ve always had a passion for good, clean, meaningful design and having the ability to think laterally helps me drive evolve to be the best in the market. #SMTalks #Branding Share on X


Links to Declan Gray


Twitter: evolvedublin  or TheDecChap

LIFT Ireland:


Dennis H Lewis

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