Episode #82: Interview with Dennis H.Lewis

Social Media Talks Podcast interview with Dennis H. Lewis.

On this week's show, we talk to Dennis H.Lewis from Cryptoprenuer.club about Blockchain Marketing and Cryptocurrency The Social Media Talks Podcast is created to help business owners who want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, presented by Alan Hennessy Head of Digital at Kompass Media

Dennis H.Lewis Biography.

Dennis is a seasoned digital storyteller and ICO marketing specialist with a proven track record in both Europe and the United States.

He has successfully lead to market and exited multiple startup companies, and prides himself on his ability to make complex projects easy to understand and relatable.

In a marketing landscape increasingly obsessed with shiny objects and overly complicated sales funnels, Dennis still believes that the key to any successful marketing campaign are the words on the page.

He has been featured as a guest on Fox News, CNN, Good Morning America, BBC and The New York Times.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What is Blockchain Technology
  • The Benefits of Blockchain
  • How to receive value from using CryptoCurrency
  • Smart Contacts
  • Smart Transactions

Listen to the full Podcast with Dennis Lewis below.

Dinner Guest

Each week we ask our guest one question that is not related to the podcast, It helps us to gain a better understanding of the guest and some of their personal choices.

Sinéad if you could invite anyone to dinner past or present, who would it be and why?

Jen Cole answer to her dinner guest was Warren Buffet


Quote from Dennis H.Lewis.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency give your customers a safer and more secure way to process payments. Using this technology gives you huge opportunities @dennishlewis Share on X


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