Social Media Talks Podcast interview with Kris Ward
On this week's show, we talk to Kris Ward an Author, Podcaster, Coach and Speaker from Win The Hour, Win The Day. The topic of this week's podcast is about Winning the day and getting back 25 hours a week.
The Social Media Talks Podcast is created to help business owners who want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, presented by Alan Hennessy The Digital Mentor and Head of Digital at Kompass Media
Kris Ward Biography.
Kris Ward is the leading authority in building your business by building your team. Kris is the founder of the Win The Hour, Win the Day philosophy. She helps entrepreneurs create their W.I.N Team (what is next) team using her signature Super Tool Kits so you can get your Idea to implementation and make your ambitions come alive!!
After the loss of her husband, Kris returned full-time to her work as a marketing strategist. She was thankful to see that her business had not only survived her absence but was thriving.
Now, Kris has completely changed the landscape for entrepreneurs by sharing the successful practices that allowed her absence.
Kris has been interviewed by one of the original sharks from Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington, and ABC’s The Secret Millionaire – James Malinchak. She has been featured on award-winning podcasts, radio and TV shows.
You can hear Kris on her own podcast – Win The Hour Win The Day, where she has engaging conversations with dynamic guests covering a variety of business topics so you can get to your next win now!
- Building a team that manages you (this is crazy affordable)
- How to crawl out of the web of admin and get to the real work!
- The 3 D’s and how they are costing you big money!
(and what you’re most damaging overhead is)
Listen to the full Podcast with Kris Ward below.
Dinner Guest
Each week we ask our guest one question on the podcast that is not related to the topic and is always very interesting to find out more about the person.
Alan: If you could invite anyone to dinner, either past or present, who would it be and why?
Kris: The two people I would invite would be Jeff Bezo from Amazon to learn more about structure and insight on his business model at the start and the other one would be President Barack Obama to learn how he copes and deals with stressful situations and how he says so calm
Links to Kris Ward
LinkedIn: kriswardstopworkingsohard
Twitter: @krisward
Free Gift from Kris:
Amazon: Win The Hour Win the Day Book
Podcast: winthehourwintheday Podcast

Connect and Find Out More About Alan Below
Alan Hennessy The Digital Mentor and the head of digital at Kompass Media and one of Ireland's Leading Social Media Experts. He is also a Social Media Consultant and Trainer and speaks about Social Media & Digital Marketing all over Ireland and in the UK.
The Social Media Talks podcast is among the top marketing podcasts in the world.
Contact Alan to have him speak at your company events or conferences soon.
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